Selected publications 2013 E. Glushkov, N. Glushkova, and A. Eremin, Efficient mathematical
representations for computing the forced wave dynamics of anisotropic laminated composites // CEAS
Aeronautical Journal, published online 14 Feb. 2013, (manuscript pdf 0.3 Mb) E. V. Glushkov, N. V. Glushkova, and O. A. Godin, The Effect of
Anomalous Transparency of the Water -- Air Interface for a Volumetric Sound
Source // Acoustical Physics, 2013, Vol.
59, No. 1, pp. 8–18, 2012 E. Glushkov, N. Glushkova, M.V. Golub, J. Moll, C.-P. Fritzen, Wave
energy trapping and localization in a plate with a delamination // Smart
Mater. Struct. 21 (2012) 125001 (12 pp).
E. Glushkov, N. Glushkova, and C. Zhang, Surface and pseudo-surface
acoustic waves piezoelectically excited in diamond-based structures // J.
Appl. Phys. 112, 064911 (2012);
(10 pages). E. Glushkov, N. Glushkova, A.
Eremin, R. Lammering, and M. Neumann, Frequency dependent directivity of
guided waves excited by circular transducers in anisotropic composite plates
// J. Acoust. Soc. Am. V. 132(2), pp. EL119-EL124 (2012); (6 pages) (Free Download) (pdf 1.03 Mb) E. V. Glushkov, N. V. Glushkova, S. I. Fomenko, and C. Zhang, Surface
waves in materials with functionally gradient coatings // Acoustical Physics,
2012, Vol. 58, No. 3, pp. 339–353., (pdf 1.1 Mb) J. Moll, M.V. Golub, E. Glushkov, N. Glushkova, C.-P. Fritzen,
Non-axisymmetric Lamb wave excitation by piezoelectric wafer active sensors
// Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical
174 (2012) 173-180. 2011 E.V. Glushkov, N.V. Glushkova, M.V. Golub,
and A.A. Eremin, Resonance blocking and passing effects in two-dimensional
elastic waveguides with obstacles // J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 2011, 130 (1), pp. 113-121., (© ASA, This
article may be downloaded for personal use only, see
details, pdf 3.4 Mb ) E. Glushkov, E. V. Glushkova, N. V. Glushkova,
and J. Wauer, Formation of frequency pass and gap bands in an elastic
waveguide with a system of obstacles // Acoustical
Physics, 2011. Vol. 57. No. 3. P. 281–291. E. V. Glushkov, N. V. Glushkova,
and S. I. Fomenko, Influence of porosity on characteristics of Rayleigh type
waves in multilayered half-space // Acoustical
Physics, 2011, Vol. 57, No. 2, pp. 230–240. (pdf 0.4 Mb) O.V. Kvasha A. Bostrom, N. V. Glushkova and E. V. Glushkov, The propagation of in-plane P-SV waves in a layered elastic plate with periodic interface cracks: exact versus spring boundary conditions // Waves in Random and Complex Media, 2011. V. 21(3). P. 515-528. Ye.V. Glushkov, N.V. Glushkova, W. Seemann, and O.V. Kvasha, The
excitation of waves by piezoelectric patch actuators arranged symmetrically
on both surfaces of an elastic layer // Journal of Applied Mathematics and
Mechanics, 2011, Vol. 75(1), pp 56–64. . (pdf 0.4 Mb) Glushkov, E., Glushkova, N., and
Wauer, J., Wave propagation in an elastically supported string with
point-wise defects: gap-band and pass-band effects. ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and
Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, ZAMM -
Z. Angew. Math. Mech.
V. 91(1), p. 4--22 (2011). doi: 10.1002/zamm.201000039 (pdf 1.1 Mb) E.V.
Glushkov, N.V. Glushkova, A.A. Eremin, R. Lammering, and M. Neumann Lamb wave
excitation and propagation in elastic plates with surface obstacles: proper
choice of central frequencies, Smart Mater. Struct. 20 (2011) 015020
(11pp). (pdf
713 K) 2010 E.
Glushkov, N. Glushkova, O. Kvasha, D. Kern, and W. Seemann, Guided wave
generation and sensing in an elastic beam using MFC piezoelectric elements:
theory and experiment // Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and
Structures, 2010, vol. 21, no. 16, 1617-1625. (pdf 884
K) Ye.V. Glushkov, N.V. Glushkova,
and A.S. Krivonos, The excitation and propagation of elastic waves in
multilayered anisotropic composites // Journal of Applied Mathematics and
Mechanics. 2010. V. 74. P. 297-305. (pdf 0.4 Mb) E.V. Glushkov, N.V. Glushkova,
O.V. Kvasha, and R. Lammering, Selective Lamb mode excitation by
piezoelectric coaxial ring actuators // Smart Mater. Struct. 2010. V. 19. No.
3. . (pdf 261 K) 2009 Ye.V. Glushkov, N.V. Glushkova,
A.A. Yeremin, and V.V. Mikhas’kiv, The layered element method in the dynamic
theory of elasticity // Journal of
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2009. V. 73. pp. 449–456. (pdf
0.5 Mb) O.
Axelsson, E. Glushkov, N. Glushkova, The local Green's function method in
singularly perturbed convection-diffusion problems // Mathematics of Computation. 2009. V. 78. No 265. P. 153-170 E. V. Glushkov, N. V. Glushkova, M. V. Golub and
Ch. Zhang, Resonance blocking of traveling waves by a system of cracks in an
elastic layer // Acoustical Physics, 2009, Vol. 55, No. 1, p. 8–16. 2007 Ye.V. Glushkov, N.V. Glushkova,
M.V. Golub, Diffraction of elastic waves by an inclined crack in a layer // Journal of Applied Mathematics and
Mechanics, 71 (2007) 643–654. E. V.
Glushkov, N. V. Glushkova, C. S. Chen, Semi Analytical Solution to Heat
Transfer Problems Using Fourier Transform Technique, Radial Basis Functions,
and the Method of Fundamental Solutions // Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, Vol. 52, Issue 5,
2007, pages 409 – 427. (DOI: 10.1080/10407790701443859 (pdf 508 K)
Glushkov, Natalia Glushkova, Oleg Kvasha and Wolfgang Seemann, Integral
equation based modeling of the interaction between piezoelectric patch
actuators and an elastic substrate // Smart
Mater. Struct. 16 (2007) 650–664.
(doi:10.1088/0964-1726/16/3/012 (pdf 881
K) W.
Seemann, A. Ekhlakov, E. Glushkov, N. Glushkova, O. Kvasha, The modeling of
piezoelectrically excited waves in beams and
layered substructures // Journal
of Sound and Vibration, 301(3-5), (3 April) 2007, 1007-1022.
(doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2006.10.037) 2006 E. Glushkov, N. Glushkova, M.
Golub, A. Boström, Natural resonance frequencies, wave blocking, and
energy localization in an elastic half-space and waveguide with a crack. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 2006, 119(6), pp. 3589-3598. ( doi: 10.1121/1.2195269 (pdf 3264 K) E. V. Glushkov, N. V. Glushkova,
and M. V. Golub, Blocking of traveling waves and energy localization due to
the elastodynamic diffraction by a crack. Acoustical
Physics, 2006, 52(3), pp. 259-269. ( E. V. Glushkov, N. V. Glushkova, E.Glushkov, N.Glushkova,
A.Ekhlakov, E.Shapar, An analytically based computer model for surface
measurements in ultrasonic crack detection. Wave Motion, 2006, 43(6), 458-473. (doi:10.1016/j.wavemoti.2006.03.002 ) (pdf 685 K) 2005 E. V. Glushkov, N. V. Glushkova,
O. V. Kvasha, and W. Seemann, Selective Mode Excitation in Elastic Waveguides
by Piezoceramic Actuators. AIP
Conference Proceedings 834, 2nd Conference on Mathematical Modeling of Wave
Phenomena, Växjö, Sweden, 14-19 August 2005, eds. B. Nilsson, L.
Fishman, pp. 152-159. E. V. Glushkov, N. V. Glushkova,
and M. Golub, Real Natural Frequencies and Resonance Wave Localization in an Elastic
Waveguide with a Horizontal Crack. AIP
Conference Proceedings 834, 2nd Conference on Mathematical Modeling of Wave
Phenomena, Växjö, Sweden, 14-19 August 2005, eds. B. Nilsson, L.
Fishman, pp. 160-166. E. V. Glushkov, N. V. Glushkova,
and D. V. Timofeev, Solution of Singularly Perturbed Convection–Diffusion
Problems by the Local Green’s Function Method, Computational Mathematics
and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 45, No. 3, 2005, pp. 444–453. (pdf
0.32 Mb) Owe Axelsson, Evgeny Glushkov, and
Natalia Glushkova, Petrov-Galerkin method with local Green's functions in
singularly perturbed convection-diffusion problems // International Journal
of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, 2005, vol. 2, no 2, pp. 127 - 145. (pdf 0.8 Mb) 2004 E.V.Glushkov, N.V.Glushkova and
E.M.Shapar, On the Rayleigh Wave Blocking by a Subsurface Crack // Doklady Physics, Vol. 49, No. 10, 2004,
pp. 608–613. E.V.Glushkov, N.V.Glushkova and
A.V.Ekhlakov, Wave propagation and crack detection in layered structures, In:
Proceedings of NATO-Workshop
"Surface Waves in Anisotropic and Laminated Bodies and Defects
Detection", Institute for Problems in Mechanics, Moscow, 7-9
February 2002 /edited by R.V.Goldstein and G.A.Maugin, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, The Netherlands, 2004, p. 301-315. 2003 O.Axelsson, E.V.Glushkov and N.V.Glushkova, The Local Green's Function Method for Singularly Perturbed Convection-Diffusion Problems // Doklady Mathematics. 2003. V. 67, No. 1, pp. 98-102. 2002 Áàðñóêîâ Ñ.À., Ãëóøêîâ Å.Â., Ãëóøêîâà Í.Â. Cèíãóëÿðíîñòü
íàïðÿæåíèé â óãëîâûõ òî÷êàõ ôðîíòà òðåùèíû, íàõîäÿùåéñÿ íà ãðàíèöå ðàçäåëà
äâóõ ñðåä // Èçâ. ÐÀÍ. Ìåõ. òâåðäîãî òåëà. 2002.
¹ 2. Ñ. 77-85 (S.A.Barsukov, Ye.V.Glushkov, N.V.Glushkova,
Stress singularity at front corner points of an interfacial crack between two
media. Izvestia RAN. Mekh. Tverdogo
Tela. 2002. ¹ 2. P. 77-85 (in Russian)). Ye.V.Glushkov, N.V.Glushkova,
A.V.Ekhlakov, Mathematical model of ultrasonic detection for
three-dimensional interface cracks. J. Appl. Maths Mechs, 2002, Vol.
66, No. 1. 2001 E.V.Glushkov and N.V.Glushkova On
the Efficient Implementation of the Integral Equation Method in
Elastodynamics. Journal of Computational Acoustics, 2001. Vol. 9, No.
3. P. 889-898. 2000 N.V.Glushkova, E.V.Glushkov,
R.Hoff, Stress Singularity in Polyhedral Corner Points in the Case of Elastic
Different-Modulus Joints. Doklady Physics, 2000. Vol. 45. No 1. P.
37-41. E.V.Glushkov, N.V.Glushkova,
D.Munz, and Y.Y.Yang, Analytical solution for the stresses near the corner
points of dissimilar material joints subjected to thermal loading, International
Journal of Fracture, 2000, 106, pp. 321-339. 1999 E.Glushkov, N.Glushkova, and
R.Hoff On Developing Singular Elements for Polyhedral Elastic Joints.
Boundary Elements XXI; International Series on Advances in Boundary
Elements, Volume 6; Editors: E.Glushkov, N.Glushkova, and
Je.Kirillowa Semi-analytical methods for solving integral equations of
elastodynamics. Computational Methods in Contact Mechanics IV.
Editors: L. Gaul, University of Stuttgart, Germany and C.A. Brebbia,
Wessex Institute of Technology, UK, 1999, pp. 241-250. E.Glushkov, N.Glushkova, and
O.Lapina, 3D Elastic stress singularity at polyhedral corner points. Int.
Journal of Solids and Structures, 1999, Vol. 36, pp. 1105-1128. 1998 E.V.Glushkov, N.V.Glushkova, and
O.N.Lapina, Singularity
exponents of elastic stresses at the point where the crack reaches the
surface. Mechanics of Solids. 1998. vol. 33, No 5. P. 117-122. Ye.V.Glushkov and N.V.Glushkova,
Resonant frequencies of the scattering of elastic waves by three-dimensional
cracks. J. Appl. Maths Mechs, 1998, Vol. 62, No 5, pp. 803-806. Ye.V.Glushkov and Ye.V.Kirillova,
A dynamic mixed problem for a packet of elastic layers. J. Appl. Maths
Mechs, 1998, Vol. 62, No 3, pp. 419-425. E.V.Glushkov, N.V.Glushkova and
O.N.Lapina, Diffraction of normal modes in composite and stepped elastic
waveguides. J. Appl. Maths Mechs, 1998, Vol. 62, No 2, pp. 275-280. N.V.Glushkova, An asymptotic representation of
thermoelastic stresses of dissimilar materials at the edges of the joints //
Mechanics of Solids, 1998, vol. 33, No 2, P. 58-65. 1997 E.V.Glushkov and N.V.Glushkova,
Blocking property of energy vortices in elastic waveguides. J. Acoust.
Soc. Am., 102(3), 1997, 1356-1360. 1996 Ye.V.Glushkov and N.V.Glushkova,
Diffraction of elastic waves by three-dimensional cracks of arbitrary shape in
a plane. J. Appl. Maths Mechs, 1996, Vol. 60, No 2, pp. 277-283. 1995 E.V.Glushkov, N.V.Glushkova, and
E.V.Kirillova, 1993 E.V.Glushkov, N.V.Glushkova and
E.M.Timanin, Determination of the impedance and waveguide properties of
biological materials. Acoust. Phys. 39(6), Nov.-Dec. 1993,
551-553. 1992 Ye.V.Glushkov, N.V.Glushkova, and
Ye.V.Kirillova, The dynamic contact problem for a circular punch adhering to
an elastic layer. J. Appl. Maths. Mechs., 1992, v. 56, No 5, pp.
675-679. E.V.Glushkov and N.V.Glushkova, On
stress singularities at a tip of 3-dimensional wedge-shaped crack. Izvestiya
Akademii Nauk SSSR. Mekhanika Tverdogo Tela, 1992, No 4, 82-86 (in
Russian). V.A.Babeshko, E.V.Glushkov, N.V.Glushkova,
and E.V.Kirillova, Energy localizaion under high-frequency resonance
conditions. Sov. Phys. Dokl. 37(8), August 1992, 443-444. V.A.Babeshko, E.V.Glushkov and
N.V.Glushkova, Energy vortices and backward fluxes in elastic waveguides. Wave
Motion, 16 (1992), 183-192. 1991 V.V.Buzhan, E.V.Glushkov and
N.V.Glushkova, Balance of power of internal sources of harmonic vibrations in
an elastic half-space. Sov. Phys. Acoust., 1991, 37(5), 457-460. V.A.Babeshko, E.V.Glushkov,
N.V.Glushkova and O.N.Lapina, Anomalies of stresses in the neighborhood of
the vertex of an elastic trihedron. Sov. Phys. Dokl., 1991, 36(6),
445-447. 1990 E.V.Glushkov, N.V.Glushkova and
I.V.Chaus, Energy Distribution of a Source of Harmonic Waves in a Fluid Layer
on an Elastic Half-Space. Soviet Phys. Acoust. ( E.V.Glushkov and N.V.Glushkova,
Determination of the dynamic contact stiffness of an elastic layer. PMM
U.S.S.R., 1990, v. 54, No. 3, 393-397.
E.V.Glushkov and N.V.Glushkova, On
a Test for the Existence of the Phenomenon of High-Frequency Resonance in
Semi-Infinite Regions. Mech. Solids ( E.V.Glushkov, N.V.Glushkova, and
E.V.Kirillova, Acoustic energy flux lines in an elastic layer. Soviet
Phys. Acoust. ( 1989 V.A.Babeshko, E.V.Glushkov and
J.F.Zinchenko, Dynamics of inhomogeneous linearly elastic media.
Nauka, 1987 V.A.Babeshko, E.V.Glushkov and
N.V.Glushkova, Methods of Green matrix calculation in stratified elastic
half-space. Zhurnal Vychislitelnoy Matematiki i Matematicheskoy Fiziki,
1987, v. 27, No 1, 93-101 (in Russian). (pdf 3.84K) 1986 V.A.Babeshko, E.V.Glushkov, and
N.V.Glushkova, Analysis of wave fields generated in a stratified elastic
half-space by surface sources. Sov. Phys. Acoust. ( V.A.Babeshko, E.V.Glushkov,
N.V.Glushkova and Zh.F.Zinchenko, Resonance phenomena in a multilayered
half-space. Sov. Phys. Dokl. 31(2), Feb. 1986, 132-133. 1985 E.V.Glushkov, Vibration of a
system of massive stamps on a linearly deformed foundation. PMM U.S.S.R.,
1985, v. 49, No. 1, 106-110. 1983 E.V.Glushkov, Energy distribution
of a surface source in an inhomogeneous half-space. PMM U.S.S.R.,
1983, v. 47, No 1, 70-75. 1982 V.A.Babeshko, E.V.Glushkov and
J.F.Zinchenko, On the calculation of seismic source with directional
radiation. Doklady Academii Nauk SSSR, 1982, v.262, No 4, 831-834 (in
Russian). 1981 V.A.Babeshko, E.V.Glushkov and
N.V.Glushkova, Singularities at corners of three-dimensional stamps in
contact problems. Sov. Phys. Dokl., 26(3), 1981, 290-292. 1979 E.V.Glushkov and N.V.Glushkova, 2D
problem of a punch vibration on a layer. Izvestija SKNZ VSh, 1979, No.
1, 23-25 (in Russian). (pdf
184K) 1978 V.A.Babeshko, E.V.Glushkov and
N.V.Glushkova, Dynamic contact problems with arbitrary areas. Izvestiya
Akademii Nauk SSSR. Mekhanika Tverdogo Tela, 1978, No 3, 61-67 (in
Russian). |
update: Dec, 2012